Calm & Relax Coaching

We can often let things get on top of us, finding it hard to keep up with this fast-paced life, finding it difficult to deal with day to day challenges at work, home, in relationships, etc. People regularly talk about experiencing ‘burnout’ - a feeling of exhaustion, when we are depleted of energy and drive, when we have nothing left to give! Stress can affect people in a number of ways - headaches, neck and back pain, feeling fatigued, insomnia, panic attacks amongst other ways.

Does any of this sound familiar?

If any of this relates to you or how you are feeling at this time, then you will probably benefit from our Calm & Relax coaching courses. During this course, you are provided with a number of tools that will help you to bring balance back into your life and reduce stress and anxiety levels, through movement, breath-work, relaxation practices and making small but effective changes to your lifestyle and daily routine.

To get you started - here are some ways to help prevent burnout…

3 key ways to Prevent Burnout

1. Manage your Energy - Evaluate your exercise and diet routine, and plan your day mindfully

2. Do What Makes You Happy - Prioritise activities that bring you joy, not just tasks that you feel obliged to do

3. Focus on Quality, Not Quantity - Avoid the trap of multi-tasking and concentrate on doing a few things well

Don’t forget that there are 1440 minutes in a day, so just setting aside 20 minutes for yourself is not much to ask but can have a massive impact on your health and well-being. Good luck, and enjoy!

Please get in touch if you feel like you could benefit from some calm and relax coaching with Laura (group and one to one sessions available).