MSTR® McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release


What is MSTR®?

MSTR® - McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release is a gentle yet very effective technique that can help to free up restrictions on and around a scar. Scars can create pain, restriction of movement and numbness around the area and MSTR® can help to release discomfort and bring back sensation where it was lost. Scars can also affect a person on an emotional level as they may be linked to a traumatic life experience. MSTR® can help to release and eradicate these negative feelings of anxiety, guilt, upset, regret, fear, anger and so on.

A scar can sometimes cause restrictions and pain in other parts of the body too. For example, a Caesarean Section scar can cause back pain and a scar from appendix surgery can easily cause shoulder restrictions; this is potentially due to the interconnected ‘webbing’ of fascia within the body that links one area to another.

Typical changes a client may experience after receiving MSTR® are: a reduction in pain in and around the area of the scar and from other parts of the body linked to the scar; sensation brought back where numbness was previously experienced; increase in flexibility in the tissue around the scar; the scar itself becoming softer; lumps, bumps and ridges reduced; reduction in the size of the scar; an emotional release, helping a client to deal with a traumatic experience linked to the time of surgery and the scar.

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C-section scars

Some C-Section scars do not heal as well as others. As a result a woman may be left with pain, numbness and/or restriction in and around the area of the scar and also in other parts of the body such as the lower back.

There are also a lot of emotions attached to C-Sections, many are unexpected, unplanned or unwanted. A woman can hold on to these emotions attached to the scar and the experience which can remain with her for months and years after the operation.

Research has been carried out by the founder of MSTR® - Alastair McLoughlin, and after treating C-Section scars on a range of women, the results showed that the scar tissue had reduced by over 30% in one 15 minute MSTR® treatment.


What type of scar can receive the MSTR® technique?

To be suitable for MSTR® work a scar needs to be at least 8 weeks old and fully healed. Even scars that are 20/30/40+ years old can be worked on so perhaps you have a scar from your childhood that still causes you problems?; this too can be considered for MSTR® work.

The list of scars suitable for MSTR® is extensive but here are some examples:

  • Post surgical scars, e.g. C-Section, hysterectomy, mastectomy, head wound scars, amputation scars, back/shoulder/knee/hip/open heart surgery, keyhole surgery, appendectomies, etc

  • Trauma wound scars, e.g. Knife/bullet wounds, lacerations, self harm wounds, and punctures of the skin through accident.

  • Fibrous tissue - where underlying tissue is damaged, e.g. sports injuries, tendon injuries, plantar fasciitis.

  • Burn scars

  • Skin grafts


The cost of a MSTR® appointment is £25 for a half hour session.

MSTR® is a gentle technique whereby the therapist applies small precise moves with fingertips on and around the scar tissue, using very little pressure. No oils, creams or lotions are used during the treatment.

Scars can be worked on weekly and the number of sessions required will be determined by the size and nature of your scar. Improvements and changes in a scar have been experienced even after a single session.

Please come dressed in comfortable clothing that makes the scar easily accessible.

It’s never to late to work on a scar so get in touch if you want to find out more and see if MSTR® could help you.

Cancellation policy

If for any reason you cannot make your appointment please contact me as soon as possible. A cancellation that is less than 24 hours before your appointment will be charged in full.

For further information on the MSTR® technique, please visit:

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